Our Special Xmas Edition 🎄

Happy Holidays! 🎅

😎Hey there Expat Warriors,

We wanted to wish you all a happy holiday season! 🥳 As we count down the end of 2023, here are all of our updates that happened at My Greek Expat Journey.

We launched our first two products!

Since last week, we have introduced the services Obtain Your Greek Tax Number Within 7 Days and Open a Bank Account in Greece.

Here are some more updates.

☕️Rooftop Yoga in collaboration with HomeStory & KICK Café: Our rooftop yoga session Reconnecting with the Inner Child was unfortunately canceled due to the weather conditions. Stay tuned for more.

✌️Unlock the AuTHentic YOU!: Our first upcoming self development workshop for expats will be happening in February as we look forward to setting our intentions for 2024 with you.

🚶Walkshop: Our life coach Elpida from our professional network is hosting another in-person “Walkshop” on the 19th of January at 4pm outside of Thissio metro station (green line). For more info, see here.

As of this month, we are pausing the membership program on our platform and for the first time, offering the perks from our partners and professionals to current users.

Xmas Treats 🍪

» Read about some Greek New Year Traditions, did you know?

» Melomakarona recipe (Greek honey cookies)

That's it for this week's special Xmas edition newsletter! As always, feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or feedback.

Wishing you a fantastic holiday season filled with joy, love and celebrations! 🎉

See you next year 😉

The “My Greek Expat Journey” Team

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